Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Yes, the Differences

Dear Colleagues,

As it looks like this trading of posts may go on until all the ballots are in, let me say right away that I completely agree with Drew Clemens that this election is not about certification, or local option, or by-law amendments.

It is about whether we want the more traditional forces who have run this organization for decades (whether in the executive committee or through the Board of Professional Standards) to continue: to resist the call of the future; to resist the call for full and equal rights for social workers, for psychologists, and for academics; to resist the call for candidates to have greater choice in choosing their analyst; to resist the call for greater democratization and for greater investment of power in our democratic processes.

Or do we want our elected officers to speak for the long disenfranchised, to speak to both our elitist history and our inclusive future, to work diligently to move our organization towards a creative and diverse future, to become an association of psychoanalysts that really is at the center of the next generations of psychoanalytic ideas and psychoanalytic practitioners. These are the truly progressive candidates who are best suited to represent all of our members.

As far as depth of experience is concerned, I’ll say, hopefully immodestly and briefly, that mine is unmatched by any recent candidate for this office, with five years as an officer and a total of nine years as an elected member of our Board of Directors, as well as with many years of additional experience in this and in other organizations (rather than take your time here please visit my website at or ).

Yes, labels are troubling, but sometimes necessary to clarify differences. I am asking you to vote for the progressive candidates in this election, so that we can all effect the ongoing transformation of our organization into a rich, creative, democratic place for all of us (analysts, therapists, teachers, researchers) who love this field.

Warren R. Procci, Candidate for President-Elect, APsaA

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