Monday, December 10, 2007

A Distinguishing Feature of My Candidacy

Dear Colleagues,

The recent exchanges about removing certification from the bylaws help to highlight a distinguishing aspect of my candidacy.

“Taking certification out of the bylaws” would not resolve our difficulties about certification. The leadership of BOPS has been and is likely to remain firm in their insistence that all institutes must follow “national standards”, which include certification.

The difference between my position and Drew’s is clear. He writes:

“The prominent issue of certification should be resolved so that the procedure is perceived to be collegial rather than noxious if it is retained, and the institutes ***through BOPS*** should be freed to be more flexible about how they select training and supervising analysts” (emphasis added).

This would leave the amount of “flexibility” available to institutes up to BOPS which might well amount to flexibility within quite rigid limits.

I trust our institutes to act reasonably. I favor local institute option as to whether or not an institute uses certification as part of their procedure for selecting TAs.

I hope you will vote for me.

Warren R. Procci, Candidate for President-Elect, APsaA

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