Monday, September 24, 2007

Research, Diversity, and Local Control

Dear Colleagues,

There are many things on which all candidates for office and a substantial majority of our membership agree. Research, and in particular research on the efficacy of psychoanalytic treatment, is essential to our vitality as a field and even to our survival in the current healthcare climate.

As your Treasurer for the past five years I’ve been a consistent and strong supporter of our research programs. Within the past few weeks I’ve supported, in the Executive and Finance Committees, the very research program which Lynne Moritz, our current President, championed in the recent issue of TAP. During the recent Annual Meeting of our Association in Denver I presented for the consideration of our Board of Directors (Executive Council) a summary of our research funding over the last five years. I emphasized that while we’ve done well supporting research, especially in view of our limited resources, we need to do more. Make no mistake: meaningful, pragmatic research is a high priority of my candidacy.

What may be more important for those of you casting your vote in the coming election is to get a better understanding of the differences among the candidates, especially in areas of ongoing controversy.

I have long been supportive of some form of certification, especially if we can move to a process which is national and independent. However, my position on certification’s role in TA decisions is a distinguishing feature of my candidacy. Yes the certification process and associated research requires appropriate financial support. But whether our current certification process should be a prerequisite for TA appointment should be left to the discretion of each local institute.
The uniqueness of our institutes, the quality of our faculties, and the wonderful diversity of our candidates requires greater flexibility and less centralized control in this very meaningful process.

I welcome further discussion on this issue, both to assist the evolution of my own beliefs and to hear what you have to say on these matters. Feel free to call (626-793-7957) or write me ( any time. And, if you can find a moment, please check out my website ( or

With my best personal regards,
Warren R. Procci, Candidate for President-Elect, APsaA

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